Questions and Answers related to Lobbying
1.What is lobbying?
Lobbying is any activity carried out to influence a government or institution’s policies and decisions in favour of a specific cause or outcome.
The term refers to efforts to influence elected officials, generally in the lobby outside the parliament assembly.
Lobbying in some form is inevitable in any political system.
2.Why is there a need to regulate lobbying?
When lobbying is non-transparent and unregulated it can lead to for example undue influence and unfair competition.
When regulated in a transparency way, lobbying is a legitimate opportunity for individuals and private interest groups to be involved in decision making processes.
3. Who can be a lobbyist?
Anybody who would like to make a change in the society can be a lobbyist by registering as a lobbyist.
4. Do I need to register in order to lobby?
Yes, lobbyists and lobby organizations must register in the special register for lobbying managed by the SCPC.
5. Can foreigners lobby in North Macedonia?
Yes, foreign legal entities and natural persons can lobby, provided that they are registered as a lobby organization, or lobbyist.
6. Can former elected and appointed officials lobby?
Yes, they can lobby after three years from the day of the end their term.
7. Which institution is regulating lobbying in North Macedonia?
The State Commission for Prevention of Corruption regulates lobbying in North Macedonia.
8. Does lobbyists have to report on their work?
Lobbyists and lobby organizations are obliged to submit written report of their activities.
9. Can lobbyists give gifts?
Lobbyists and lobby organizations cannot receive, give, promise donations, gifts, services, influence or other benefits and advantages.
10. What are the penalties for not complying with the provisions of the Laws on lobbying?
Lobbyists as well as elected and appointed officials are subject to fines. The amount of the penalty ranges between 200 – 1000 Euro in Denar countervalue.